Thursday, December 25, 2014

Joyeux Noël

Bonjour et joyeux Noël! 
J'adore francias!
Hey guys long time no post haha, well just here to wish a very merry Christmas (tres joyeux Noël)! I just want to talk about France for a little bit, it's probably a bit under appreciated. Anyway when we think French we think of the classics, the Eiffel tower, Paris, ect. But it's so much more than that. True those are the main tourist hooks but if you really go there, visit the small towns, and the museums. I promise you will have a completely different experience. Sure we make fun of France for not fighting a lot, isn't that good? The French focus on the important things, in my opinion, such as education, art, music, holidays, and most important love. I'll expound on these a little bit. Education in France starts when the child is two, they teach not only numbers and letters, but manners as well! Education is taken very seriously and is intense, but that is how inventors are created no? Alright now art and music, since they are both considered art. Just think sculptures, paintings, architecture, and music. Anyway, they have a deep thoughts and know how to express it through art, they can also "read" art very well. Or more simply put they perceive art very easily. Like in the L'ouvrier it is all artifacts, sculptures, and art. I don't like "abstract" or "modern" art because, in my opinion, they show no talent, it's just a few colors and lines. Oh well me and my opinions. Okay I'm going to come back to holidays and just brush on love for a bit. The French are amazing people, I can remember countless events that prove this, but I'll carry on. They will greet you with the real smile and will just be so warm and friendly it's fantastic! I have no idea how but Europe is generally like this I love it! Sorry about my rantings, on to holidays, in particular Noël. Just imagine this if you will. It's midnight and you're in a cathedral. Rich, clear voices start to sing Christmas hymns in French the sounds reverberate off of the arches. The stained glass is slightly aglow as a result of the numerous candels lit throughout the pews. Incense fills the air with a faint warm aroma that envelops everyone. You are surrounded by people that love and care about you. And you feel the same towards them. Once you return home with all your family and perhaps some extended family, we begin the meal. Not an American style family dinner where people barely talk and we just shove our faces with however much of a portion we want. In France that's a bit different, you sit down to a beautifully decorated table and eat small portions. However there are multiple courses such as; drinks, bread, fruit, cheeses, entres, small treats, the main course duh, dessert, hot drinks. Not in that order and I'm probably missing a ton of others but you get the idea. Also you talk a lot! 
Oh well that's just my tid bit for the season, so I bid thee a tres joyeux Noël! I love you guys!