Saturday, August 30, 2014

Acts of kindness

Thanks Sabrina!
A few minutes ago Sabrina a ward friend came to my house with a package with a bag of treats with a big S on it. She didn't know how earlier today I was feeling lonley and struggling with my worth. There is a note on the back of the S.
" Dear Shannon, you are so amazing! And I hope you have had a "rockin" week! I just wanted to let you know I love you and am thinking of you! Love you sweetie! <3, Sabrina" 
Sabrina I love you too!!! I've been alone for most of the day so this was very kind! I know that my Savior loves me because of this as well and because Sabrina is such a Christ like person that she can be a hand of the Saviors   :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sluffer ;)

I didn't really sluff but I didn't have to go to school today because I had my dads sealing so it was for a good cause :) today was really nice, though I did want to go to school a bit I always have guilt when I skip a day. nothing much on the daily report:)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I am exhausted, let me start from the begging. The bus is awesome! Lots of kids I know on it and my best friend Rachael is on it so it's fun! Got to school and had a little time to run to my locker and find my class, World History, knew a few people in there, really excited for that class even though it will be one of my main sources of homework :P. Got a way heavy book from World His. Oh well knowledge :). Next is PE, I love my class they are awesome I think we'll have a great semester! I do not agree with "flex time" though, I want to be able to go to my other teachers where I need help or have more lunch time. I do not want to be stuck in a room with no music allowed. >:(. Math is going to be hard! But with the teachers help and shayannes help I think I just might understand math for the first time since fith grade! Lunch wasn't very good so now I don't know what I'll do for lunch :( Last class is French, it was so much fun because it's a total immersion class! Meaning very little English is spoken and it's not compared like bonjour means hello, it is a form of greeting but its not comparing the two languages. I love it and think I will have tons of fun with it :D well that was my first day of school. :) Let the school year commence!
May my mind be clear as the sea ;)


I woke up at 5:30, moved at 5:45. Goodness I can't believe that school is finally here! Still super nervous though! Tell you about it when I get back!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Last day of summer

Today Sarah, Tanner, Libby, and I went on a threeish hour hike up to Scout Falls, it was mostly fun besides being super tired form waking up a tad earlier than thought ;) haha but it was fun we finally got up there and we saw a moose eating his lunch :D "all the boy moose go wahh" name that movie;). Anyway scout falls was a a bit disappointing because it was just a idty bidy waterfall. Probably because we haven't had a whole lot of rain recently. Oh well. So we are back from the hike and Sarah and I rush over to AF high, the only teacher I could talk to because his door was open and he was in it :/ was Mr. Lind, apparently my former school had neglected to inform graduating students that you will have a large packet due near the beginning of school. I found that out today. I am currently on page 16 out of 35 and 2 books I must read. Yay ;(. Oh well I'll probably get a bit of lee way with it. :) 
Ahhhhh! I can't believe school starts tomorrow! Ah! I'm super nervous, is it everything I think/hope it will be? Will the teachers like me? Will I like them? Ahhh! Well I'll tell you tomorrow I need some shut eye.         -.- zzz

Sunday, August 17, 2014

A saying I despise

I despise the saying "I understand completely". No, no you don't you have not been in my shoes and took a stroll around. Sure a similar experience may have happened to you but that is not my experience! There is only one person who can say that He knows exactly how I feel but He is not here currently and I await his return. Now I get that we say it often that is true but it is not the same. I won't get mad it's just a pet peeve that I have essentially due to recent events. Although what can I do besides not letting it get to me? Oh well I only have control over myself and no one else. That's how it's suppose to be. =)

I am a princess.

This is very true. I am not looking for a prince, I am not waiting for him to find me, and I am NOT going to let anyone change my mind. I want to grow closer to my King, to know that He loves me and cares for me. True I have stumbled but He was right there to pick me up and save me. I love my Savior and King. :)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Intro to me

Hey there I'm Shannon and this is my blog haha no duh ;) anyway I've been to 21 different countries. I love to travel I've done some crazy stuff! I'm a ballroom dancer and I love it so much! I'm a night owl too ya, well welcome to my travels and thoughts:)