Monday, August 18, 2014

Last day of summer

Today Sarah, Tanner, Libby, and I went on a threeish hour hike up to Scout Falls, it was mostly fun besides being super tired form waking up a tad earlier than thought ;) haha but it was fun we finally got up there and we saw a moose eating his lunch :D "all the boy moose go wahh" name that movie;). Anyway scout falls was a a bit disappointing because it was just a idty bidy waterfall. Probably because we haven't had a whole lot of rain recently. Oh well. So we are back from the hike and Sarah and I rush over to AF high, the only teacher I could talk to because his door was open and he was in it :/ was Mr. Lind, apparently my former school had neglected to inform graduating students that you will have a large packet due near the beginning of school. I found that out today. I am currently on page 16 out of 35 and 2 books I must read. Yay ;(. Oh well I'll probably get a bit of lee way with it. :) 
Ahhhhh! I can't believe school starts tomorrow! Ah! I'm super nervous, is it everything I think/hope it will be? Will the teachers like me? Will I like them? Ahhh! Well I'll tell you tomorrow I need some shut eye.         -.- zzz

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