Friday, November 28, 2014

Dance what it's really about

 I have been in a few different types of dance, all very diverse yet similar. Ballet, Irish. And currently Ballroom dance. Ballet, from what I remember since I did it when I was tiny, but I loved it and it was what started my love for dance.
Irish, I was drafted into it and I did it for a while never truly loved it.
Ballroom, I chose it and I adore it. 

Now what dance is REALLY about(to me) ...
Dance is about expression of yourself, for example, at dances even if you do a simple funny move people cheer and it's amazing that everyone comes together in dance, even if you think you can't dance. 
Dance is a sport and an art, it is a profession, it is a way of life. 
Dance is everything, it can build something emotional or it can break it. 
Dancing can tell a story or simply be beautiful.

Now ballroom...
The waltz is grace and precision, it is love and style, the waltz is my personal favorite because of what it is, I feel I can give it a little justice to its full perfection. 
Pasodoble is a force not to be reckoned with. It is a fierce and fiery dance of the bull fight. A dangerous beauty.
Cha-cha is fast and flirty. It is very fun and can tell a story as well. 
Swing & Jive are high energy and bubbly. It is full of lifts and sharp turns. It's a rush to dance it.
These are the individual personalities to a fraction of the ballroom dances however as a whole they are the beautiful combination of two people that have one movement. It is intense and gorgeous it is based on trust, strength, and the sheer adoration for dance. For a true dancer it is not about the dress or the prize or any thing you can hold, it is about the what you feel when you know you just did something absolutely perfect due to hard work and cooperation. It's about love. 
Thanks for reading <3 you guys!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

First snow of the year

No I don't live here, but it did snow for the first time of the year. I like a brisk breeze when I'm bundled up, but numbness everywhere is not okay. I am not a fan of the cold. Snow is fun and so is ice but if it could be warm and still have so I would rather have that! I do not have anything that has yet to keep me warm besides a blanket inside next to a fire. But winter is coming and I can do nothing to stop it so if you see a marshmallow rolling down a hill that's probably me ;) I love the sledding and snow ball fights I just can't stand the freezing temperatures!! Oh well, stay warm my friends <3 Shan 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Just a stroll

Let's go on a walk =)
The air is brisk and damp curling the sweetness of rain and forest across your skin to your nose.
The sound of a car speeds by on the wet road but you are already walking with them into the woods to the trail. A stroll in stillness, only the soft breeze at the top of the trees that makes the slightest of a tinkling. your nose is becoming cold, cheeks soon after but you don't mind. It is so nice and peaceful. True bliss. Hushed chatter begins but all you hear is the trickle of a small stream off in the trees. Looking up the red of the leaves are a sharp contrast to the drizzling sky, blinking away the faint mist you continue to gaze at the brightly colored trees. Plucking a leaf to twirl in your gloved fingers. You brush the bold leaf on your frigid cheek, it is soft and plush. Looking back up we are at the car, how time flies when we are at peace. Have a good night love you =)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

For the fallen

Today is November 11 or veterans day, depending where you are. Today we remember everyone who served in the military. May we take a moment, on any day, to think about the fallen who died to protect something they loved. 
I don't know what they've seen, what they have experienced. I do not have the imagination to conjure the horrors of battle and war. I wish that they lived long successful lives and have no war. So may we thank the brave ones who put their lives on the line and perished. I thank you so much.
For the active soldiers or trainees, thank you for all that you are doing, may you have the strength you need may heaven bless you for your strength of will and braveness. You are in my thoughts and prayers. 
Have a humble Verterans Day.

The feeling of belonging

Today in my Tuesday activities I went to my adopted ward, kinda confusing but oh well, and had so much fun! We spent the entire time writing complements about each girl, I have not read it yet but I can't wait to read it! But after it was all passed out we didn't have any special words or anything we simply hung out while people trickled out. Everyone was so nice to me even though I don't go very often. I felt like I was part of a puzzle that fit, if that makes sense haha =). Everyone gave me hugs and verbally complimented me I felt so loved and happy and warm. I love you guys with all of my heart! You guys are such beautiful flowers in a thorny earthly world!