Monday, October 20, 2014


This applys to everyone.
We all have masks that hide how we truly feel. Adults have more transparent masks because they are adults what they say goes so it easier for them to show how they really think. But sadly not for us, being a teen is not easy, we are NOT stupid, we just sometimes don't think things through. Now back to the mask that we all hold so dear.

Our masks come in all shapes, sizes, transparencies, color, and style. After all we made them. We made them to protect ourselves from disappointment, anger, frustration. Sadness. They are not very good at their jobs. Instead they lock them inside of us until we break, for some we crack. For others we shatter. I myself crack, they are long deep cracks. So I wear my mask and think " Well I better just put on a show, never let them see the cracks. Never let them see the real me, it's too blunt, too ugly, not good enough." I convince myself that everyone was fine with my mask, well then so was I. 

But that is a lie! A lie that destroys us, our mask is too well worn. It knows when to smile and when to frown. It knows us too well. Please let us help each other to take off the mask and see the real beauty, passion, and love we all have within us. I want it for everyone as well as myself. For there is one thing that the mask does hide perfectly. And that is our light, the burning glow within us that wants to be so desperately free. But we keep it under a bushel. If we, together, loosen our masks then there is no force in the universe that can stop our light. 

Love you guys <3 Shan 

1 comment:

  1. "Please let us help each other to take off the mask and see the real beauty, passion, and love we all have within us." This is what I'm trying to do with one of my best friends. I just hope that she see's what I'm trying to do.

    "If we, together, loosen our masks then there is no force in the universe that can stop our light." I am starting to see the light in you, Shannon :)
