Thursday, October 16, 2014


When one has traveled as much as I have so gratuitously been able to there are some mental stuff after a while of not traveling anywhere. I am use to leaving my home at least once a year, generally more. especially when I lived in England and the World was closer than it ever was! But now back in the states the World seems like a distant idea. Anyway....

The dyognostics of Travelitis:
~ Feeling stuck in a state or area when you haven't been away for at least six months.
~ Paniced when your passport expires
~ Feeling as if part of your soul is missing and it is just a black hole of emotions 
~ Nausea 
~ Sadness when you see pictures of different places or hear stories from other peoples travels
~ Constantly on edge
~ A muscle irritation, for me, in your lower back/ tense muscles.

The cure:
Go somewhere!!

<3 shan =)

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