Saturday, October 18, 2014

The hurricane within

This doesn't just count for girls it goes to the guys out there too!
This force within can be a great motivation to great things or it can completely tear one apart.
This may apply to you but this is just me talking on my past/present situation. 
I have felt like I have to keep up with everything and be the perfect daughter, student, friend, and sister all the time.
I was drowning.
How I understood life was if you get a good education then your life would be great. Now this isn't not true but one must also have a balance, which is sometimes difficult to maintain. 
The balance between social life, personnel time, family life, and time spent doing homework and studying. 
Today I am sitting on a beach with a calm warm sea. Somedays I don't do one of the balances, but that is how I balance my life happily. And it's okay. Now at times there will be rough seas and perhaps even a hurricane, that's okay, it happens to remind us that the hurricane is still there and that we have so much ability to control it.
Now this may not apply to you but I do helps you understand something
<3 shan

1 comment:

  1. Freakin your posts are amazing!!! They put my posts to shame. Keep up the blog! I love reading your work!
