Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Fight for what is right

Hey guys! I don't really know where to start with this so bear with me?
Fight for what is right.  I'll probably add to this for my entire life because there are so many things that are worth fighting for. I'll just make a list with my opinions and feel free to comment and throw in something that you think is worth fighting for. Oh and if you want me to expand on anything I would be glad to :)

Love. Love is definitely worth fighting for, no matter what type of love it is. It should never ever depend on how you love the receiver of your love. To me fighting for your loved ones is how you a truly pure way to show love. I'll probably write a post about love later, if I remember;) cuz there is way too much to put here.

You. Fight with all your might for yourself. You should never feel like you should be someone else when you feel like that isn't you. This is kinda the main point of the post because of some events that happened in my life and I have realized that I don't deserve to be treated like that. Anyway the event doesn't matter since its in the past and it's helped me to open my eyes. Stand up for yourself if you ever feel disrespected, guilt tripped, feel less about yourself, made to feel like some misfortune is your fault when IT NEVER WAS! Don't shout and yell back because that lowers you to their level. Wait and hear them out, eventually they will loose their voice. Stay calm, if you are mad wait because you can never think straight when you are angry and upset. Be firm, this person is talking about you please don't give up on yourself. You are worth so much more than what this Neanderthal is saying. Take a breath, count how to ten, and stand up to your full fantastic beautiful potential and say "Nothing you say can effect me because I am above this and I love myself no matter what" and when you say it believe it! 

Fight with beauty for they fight with ugliness. Fight with a gentle words for they fight with harsh words. 
Fight with defense for something you believe in. Fight with understanding for they fight with misunderstanding. Fight with truth for they fight with lies. Fight with flowers for they fight with thorns and briers. Fight with a hug for they fight with fists. Fight with love for they fight with hate. Fight with mercy. Fight with humility. Fight for what is beautiful, true, free, and wonderful.

Happiness & passions. Anyway you should never have your happiness taken away from you by some bully. Always defend what makes you happy, if someone is talking bad about something or someone that makes you happy stand up and protect them. I know that if I just stand by and listen to someone bash on my passions I feel awful later. But I am trying to stick my head in and just say I don't necessarily agree with you but I can see where your coming from and if you don't then ask them why they have this opinion. 

Adventure. Fight for adventure and freedom. For the moments in the summer that you can still feel. For the memories with our friends.

Music. Don't fight the beat ;)

Family. Ohana means no one gets left behind or forgotten. But this also means sometimes a family member just needs a few days to relax and just do nothing. So staying home is never bad, unless it's for a really long time or very often. But we can never forget a family member who made a positive impact in your life. 

Education. Yeah yeah boo to school just read. I love learning and education not necessarily school. Fight to be smart for the dumb are dominated. So just to put us out of our first world tunnel vision. You pick up a book and start to read, if you are found with that you could possibly be killed and the book most likely be destroyed that was Germany in World War Two. You were denied the right to learn. So just remember many people have risked and given their lives in attempt to learn or help other people learn. 

Friends. Fight for our friends and help them stand up for themselves. 

Life. Fight for your life, not the one anyone wants, just your life, hopes, and dreams. 

say fight a lot and I never mean to abuse anyone or anyone's standards in anyway. Fight does not equal punches ( at least on my blog)  

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Body image

If you know me you would know I am very skinny. The most often heard comment I get is "you're  like a stick". Thanks I always wanted to be compared to a dead piece of wood. However I understand how people assume that I'll take it as a compliment. In most cases I do, the exception is when they carry on as so:" you're so lucky! I wish I was that thin." So many issues right there!! 
 You should accept your own body because it is a gift. It is beautiful and deserves your love. 
 Lucky? Im lucky? Obviously you have no idea what I go through to have both sides of this body hate spectrum. That I truly am trying to help come into a positive light, but sometimes it slips into the self-hating again. Let me explain a bit so that people can understand. I see my ribs everyday and i wish i could not. I am all bones and that really shows, especially in my clothes. Yes i win every hip war i get into, because its straight bone. And to me that is not appealing. When i hug people I'm afraid ill poke them because i am so boney. Now the other side of the spectrum. I wish my stomach was flatter. I can suck it in and that pushes my ribs further out so its a lose lose either way. But i really am trying to make it better i really am. But as i said it slips. 
Anyway back on to my main purpose of this post kinda got side tracked in self pity, sorry about that, but the main purpose is to say that You are beautiful no matter what society has said! Now to all the guys that got down to this point don't leave this is for you too. Because society has given us cookie cutters and expects us to fill it and if we don't we are "stupid" "ugly" ect. But we are such beautiful creatures because we are unique in our looks and how we carry ourselves. Society has destroyed our love for ourselves because for those who do are labeled as hot headed and full of themselves. Yeah they've filled themselves with love. Today's world expects guys to be big and macho. They are not allowed to cry or play with "girly" stuff which makes me mad why can't our society simply promote self beauty and not contradict its self within the same magazine! In today's world we have so many gender roles and restrictions that if we go beyond any of the we are immediately labeled as something negative. I wish that I could understand the guys point of view more but it is as it is. What I do know is that there are pressures to both sides and I pray that someday we may be able to break from the median bonds and love ourselves because everyone is beautiful and fantastic. Love you all
<3 Shannon 

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Dear Ireland, 
I miss you. I miss the wonderful misty mornings and the bright warm afternoons. I miss the friendly people with your beautiful accents. Ah I miss all of it! May I soon return to you. 
<3 Shannon 
P.S. Both Northern Ireland and Ireland. Since you are different :) love ha both my darlings.

Now I unfortunately don't remember all the details since I have a terrible memory and I was small. Oh and I apologize in advance for my spelling, I shall try my best! 
 My adventures in both Ireland's (which is going to just be combined into Ireland since I don't remember what was where in which side of the border. I'm sorry, and feel free to correct me!) like most of my adventures was when I lived in England. My name is in fact Irish, there is also I river in Ireland that I is on my bucket list to visit! Sorry going off on a tangent, umm what I can recall involves the Giants steps, Galaway, and many small towns and beautiful woods. The two most powerful memories that I have are of two places by the shore. One was a beautiful resurant, for the longest time I thoughts it was a dream. Anyway what sticks to my brain was I was looking outside and it was dark and the stars were out. But I was looking out towards the shore and I saw this light house. But the moon was shining and everything had such a magical feel to it. I would love to find out where that was and go back there someday because it has been such a beautiful memory that has brought me comfort in many cases. The second place is the sea glass beach, stunning place of just sea glass everywhere, still have some in fact. But I spent a whole day there and it was so much fun! 
Most of my other Irish memories have faded to only be vaguely stirred my pictures of myself in those places. So hopefully at one point in my life I may be able to come back and renew my memories and make new ones =) 
Love you bunches thanks for reading <3 Shannon 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Phantom of the Opera!

Oh how many stories!
So Phantom is being performed now! And you should see it!
Anyway stories...
Mine started just like another, I auditioned with high hopes. And I didn't get in, at all. But I prayed about it and had the impression to have patience and just wait. So I did. About a month ago one of my friends was talking about how she had to help build the lair. I offered to help because i mean another pair of hands can't hurt anyone. So I went on Saturday. Then Monday, Tuesday, and soon I was there more often then some of the techies hahaha. But that doesn't matter. What does is that I am now part of a family and I love them to the worlds end. True I still don't know most of them but the ones I do know I love and respect them so much. 
Oh so because I helped a lot I was invited to help work the show as a techie. Which made my entire year! No joke! It has made me feel so happy and wanted and I am so glad that I could be a part of the show. I only have two things that hate me in the show, Both of them props. 1. The "Devil" bench, I call it that because its small yet weighs a ton and tends to disappear right when you need it and then reappear right when you don't need it and in the strangest places. 2. The Elephant. So far it has broken its leg( its a prop not a real animal), a pipe in it fell out and so i was fixing it and it decided to bite me, its stabbed me with a screw, and its tusk is sometimes strange. But oh well. 
Oh another funny thing that happened was me and my food. I usually have a bag full of food and I just leave it open and people just come by and eat my food, which I'm totally fine with especially since I know what people eat(mostly nothing or granola bars) so I just find it funny. Any way, it's been such a blessing being a part of the show! You guys are fantastic! Love you tons!
<3 Shannon