Sunday, April 12, 2015

Body image

If you know me you would know I am very skinny. The most often heard comment I get is "you're  like a stick". Thanks I always wanted to be compared to a dead piece of wood. However I understand how people assume that I'll take it as a compliment. In most cases I do, the exception is when they carry on as so:" you're so lucky! I wish I was that thin." So many issues right there!! 
 You should accept your own body because it is a gift. It is beautiful and deserves your love. 
 Lucky? Im lucky? Obviously you have no idea what I go through to have both sides of this body hate spectrum. That I truly am trying to help come into a positive light, but sometimes it slips into the self-hating again. Let me explain a bit so that people can understand. I see my ribs everyday and i wish i could not. I am all bones and that really shows, especially in my clothes. Yes i win every hip war i get into, because its straight bone. And to me that is not appealing. When i hug people I'm afraid ill poke them because i am so boney. Now the other side of the spectrum. I wish my stomach was flatter. I can suck it in and that pushes my ribs further out so its a lose lose either way. But i really am trying to make it better i really am. But as i said it slips. 
Anyway back on to my main purpose of this post kinda got side tracked in self pity, sorry about that, but the main purpose is to say that You are beautiful no matter what society has said! Now to all the guys that got down to this point don't leave this is for you too. Because society has given us cookie cutters and expects us to fill it and if we don't we are "stupid" "ugly" ect. But we are such beautiful creatures because we are unique in our looks and how we carry ourselves. Society has destroyed our love for ourselves because for those who do are labeled as hot headed and full of themselves. Yeah they've filled themselves with love. Today's world expects guys to be big and macho. They are not allowed to cry or play with "girly" stuff which makes me mad why can't our society simply promote self beauty and not contradict its self within the same magazine! In today's world we have so many gender roles and restrictions that if we go beyond any of the we are immediately labeled as something negative. I wish that I could understand the guys point of view more but it is as it is. What I do know is that there are pressures to both sides and I pray that someday we may be able to break from the median bonds and love ourselves because everyone is beautiful and fantastic. Love you all
<3 Shannon 

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