Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Phantom of the Opera!

Oh how many stories!
So Phantom is being performed now! And you should see it!
Anyway stories...
Mine started just like another, I auditioned with high hopes. And I didn't get in, at all. But I prayed about it and had the impression to have patience and just wait. So I did. About a month ago one of my friends was talking about how she had to help build the lair. I offered to help because i mean another pair of hands can't hurt anyone. So I went on Saturday. Then Monday, Tuesday, and soon I was there more often then some of the techies hahaha. But that doesn't matter. What does is that I am now part of a family and I love them to the worlds end. True I still don't know most of them but the ones I do know I love and respect them so much. 
Oh so because I helped a lot I was invited to help work the show as a techie. Which made my entire year! No joke! It has made me feel so happy and wanted and I am so glad that I could be a part of the show. I only have two things that hate me in the show, Both of them props. 1. The "Devil" bench, I call it that because its small yet weighs a ton and tends to disappear right when you need it and then reappear right when you don't need it and in the strangest places. 2. The Elephant. So far it has broken its leg( its a prop not a real animal), a pipe in it fell out and so i was fixing it and it decided to bite me, its stabbed me with a screw, and its tusk is sometimes strange. But oh well. 
Oh another funny thing that happened was me and my food. I usually have a bag full of food and I just leave it open and people just come by and eat my food, which I'm totally fine with especially since I know what people eat(mostly nothing or granola bars) so I just find it funny. Any way, it's been such a blessing being a part of the show! You guys are fantastic! Love you tons!
<3 Shannon 

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