Saturday, April 11, 2015


Dear Ireland, 
I miss you. I miss the wonderful misty mornings and the bright warm afternoons. I miss the friendly people with your beautiful accents. Ah I miss all of it! May I soon return to you. 
<3 Shannon 
P.S. Both Northern Ireland and Ireland. Since you are different :) love ha both my darlings.

Now I unfortunately don't remember all the details since I have a terrible memory and I was small. Oh and I apologize in advance for my spelling, I shall try my best! 
 My adventures in both Ireland's (which is going to just be combined into Ireland since I don't remember what was where in which side of the border. I'm sorry, and feel free to correct me!) like most of my adventures was when I lived in England. My name is in fact Irish, there is also I river in Ireland that I is on my bucket list to visit! Sorry going off on a tangent, umm what I can recall involves the Giants steps, Galaway, and many small towns and beautiful woods. The two most powerful memories that I have are of two places by the shore. One was a beautiful resurant, for the longest time I thoughts it was a dream. Anyway what sticks to my brain was I was looking outside and it was dark and the stars were out. But I was looking out towards the shore and I saw this light house. But the moon was shining and everything had such a magical feel to it. I would love to find out where that was and go back there someday because it has been such a beautiful memory that has brought me comfort in many cases. The second place is the sea glass beach, stunning place of just sea glass everywhere, still have some in fact. But I spent a whole day there and it was so much fun! 
Most of my other Irish memories have faded to only be vaguely stirred my pictures of myself in those places. So hopefully at one point in my life I may be able to come back and renew my memories and make new ones =) 
Love you bunches thanks for reading <3 Shannon 

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