Stretch your boundaries: It is amazing on what we do when we travel, and from these experiences we grow. If we don't and we just stay in our hotel room what was the use of this trip? For me traveling is a chance to learn more about myself and what I want to do. At home I am the kind of person who doesn't move before noon on a holiday or a weekend, but when I am on the go I usually wake up about 6 in the morning and go to bed at midnight or 1. I call it my cruise schedule because I can usually hold that up for about a week in a half, but you will often find me dead asleep about noon on days that we don't do anything.
Experience something new: Wether it is a food, talking to someone new, or doing something you have never done. This is similar to Stretch your boundaries but at the same time it isn't. For example you can do something outlandish that is usually not in your boundaries but you can repeat it over and over. Experience something new is doing something that you have never done before in your life. And maybe never again.
Discover yourself: To me this is the whole point of traveling! In Mexico I found out I love to zip line and learn to do things like that quickly. In Malta I learned that cliff jumping sends you to a whole new world. In Egypt I learned about acceptance of different religions and customs. In Scotland I learned to be witty and get lost in sunsets. I'm just going to keep going because this is the kicker line in this manifesto. In France I found the home of heart, learned about art, learned about the magnificent details in cathedrals. In Italy I found my love of natural beauty, history, and street performers. I FOUND MYSELF THROUGH TRAVEL.
Interact: Alright you can still have a great time with very little contact with the native people. But if one wants to see what their country means to them and see the soul of the country, take your tour guide/taxi driver out to lunch. You then learn so much more than dates, facts, and history. You learn about the type of people they really are. Instead of finding a huge hotel try a little bed and breakfast. It will open the day to a authentic experience of meals and greetings, deals and meetings.
Engage: Get involved in what is happening especially if it is a cruise then it makes the trip more enjoyable by tenfold.
Listen: Don't just hear what people are saying actually listen and put in a question or a statement to add to the conversation. I remember staying up until early in the morning listening to people stories about what happened to them or a loved one. Sometimes it's very sad other times it's hilarious.
Embrace: Go into the trip with a good attitude other words it will not be fun at all. Go in with an open heart, let people change you for the better. Learn everything you can from the trip other words what was the trip worth?
Travel with awe, wonder ,and gratitude and take moments and memories over possessions: It does not matter on what you bring home for your best friend, don't worry about it just get something small and it will suffice. Travel with no eye to critique, with no sneer in your smile, and the trip will be wonderful. Be grateful that you are able to travel and widen your life experience and your minds eye. It's okay to be at awe at things, honestly everything is worth being awe inspiring. Wonder at the things that are fantastic, and ask questions. It (mostly) always makes guides light up when you ask a question.
Be present and passionate: Okay I think I have gone over the first point enough, so being a passionate traveler. Very few things are my passion, one is traveling. However because I have grown up being passionate about this it has become an unconscious passion so I can not tell you how to be passionate about something. ON the other hand what I can do it attempt to say what traveling gives me. Traveling gives me the feeling of being free and not having to worry about anything at home no matter the circumstances. It lets me have a new start for at least a short while. And most importantly, in my opinion, it gives me confidence and it defines a new part of me that I will always keep with me.
Slow it down: This depends, if you are not traveling on a schedule or a list of places to go then this applies to you. If not move on. Don't go running through everything just so you can say oh I've gone there but I don't remember anything because I was only there for fifteen minutes. Venice is the best place to slow it down, first you get lost really easy so don't worry. Second there are so many things to see! So many little shops with different things that exceed the last shop. It is also very quaint in the little plazas with cafes and kids. So even if you are just running through slow it down and enjoy it as much as you can.
Swing in hammocks at sunset often: This can be taken literally or figuratively. Literally it is very self-explanatory. Figuratively to me it means so lay back once in a while and just take in the natural beauty of the destination.
Love that it is not like home: There is no place like the place that you are visiting. Each town, city, shop, ruin has a personality either set by the people, area, or its history. So it is impossible to say it's exactly like home. It can become your home, but overall it is an original place that loves and dislikes. So drink it in and love it with all your heart.
Go back and share what you've learned: Tell stories when you get home! Share the experiences. Tell funny stories. Just share it and let the memory live on.
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