Sunday, February 15, 2015

stars can't shine without darkness

The last few nights the starts have been brighter then a normal winters night so this quote can to mind

Honestly who do we know? To some it may be a lot of people, to others it my not even be themselves.
But what every single person on this planet does know is Darkness. 
But everyone's Darkness is always a bit different. However we all go through trials and that is our Darkness. The details vary but it is still dark. 
Now this isn't ment to be a sad dismal post so let be shed some light on this dismal subject. 
We are stars. It's kinda hard to see the stars at noon, trust me I've tried ;) but I hope you see my point. 
We need trials so that we can see what we are able to do. Now I'm just going to throw in some science stuff. We can either be a crazy awesome super nova and learn from every experience that is given to us. Or we can become black holes and take other peoples light and feel no better. So I do hope that we can become crazy cool super novas, because I mean everyone is amazing!
But I guess what is the most important is that we doesn't give up no matter what kind of darkness is going on in your lives. The darkness in our lives are heavy, I don't know yours and you don't know mine but all that we can do is help each other out. 
Alright I'm going to challenge you guys to something and I'll challenge myself. 
I challenge you to be someone's light today, help them out, lighten their burden even if it's only for a little bit. 
Alright hope you guys have a great day! 
<3 Shannon 

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