Sunday, February 15, 2015

Ripples that we make

Every single person makes ripples, some days good, some days not. We never know who looks up to us in our lives and how we act is setting an example to them. 
There is also ripple over events and choices that we make everyday. Often when we look back at something bad that happened to us we tend to say what if I did this or hadn't done that. Would it have changed? Honestly I don't know. We sometimes look back to the day we met someone who made a huge impact on our lives and say the same thing, what if we had not met? What would have happened? Again I don't know, but what I do know is that we should be grateful to the people that changed our life for the better. 
I love you all, I hope my blabbering has helped at one point or another! ;)
<3 Shannon

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